Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dreams do come true!

This is the model that Noahkeem likes best.

Noahkeem has been talking about buying an RV when he is an adult and living next door to us.  I wouldn't dare tell him our association does not permit RVs to be parked in our neighborhood.  Nevertheless, he talks about his plans of proud RV ownership nearly everyday.

Yesterday we took him to an open house at a RV dealership.  He had the time of his little life.  The sales rep (who I met the day before) catered to him showed him some incredible RVs and pointed out their features.  We hopped on and off RVs and 5th wheels for a few hours. We bounced around on the queen sized beds, pretended to eat  in the breakfast nooks,  imagined that we were on a trip and played around with the stoves, full sized fridges, and admired the flat screened TVs.  Noahkeem was totally in his element.  Much to my surprise it's not just "old people" who buy these vehicles and go across country.  Even more unbelievable was the reasonable price of them.  Given the model that Noakeem wants, he would pay approximately $675 a month to own it.  (which is less than renting a 1 bedroom apartment in most places). 

The shocker for me was that some models come with fireplaces! Who knew?  After all of the exploring and asking tons of questions, the most important question of all we should have asked, we didn't ask.  "How much gas does it  take to run one of these babies.  Searching around a little I found out that they hold about 100 gallons of fuel.  Given that gas is about $3.34/gallon at my local warehouse club, and it's a 100 gallon tank , It would cost $334.00 to fill it up. Miles to gallon? Not sure. I'm still trying to process a full tank of gas.

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