Thursday, July 5, 2012

Know this

I like to read church marquees to see what kind of catchy  phrases they put on display to make "passerbys" think or to attract people to their church.  Two days ago, I was driving to a Fourth of July celebration (for whatever reason my town celebrates it on the 3rd of July) and I of course was reading the marquees of the churches I was drove by.

As I was  driving down the highway, I notice this huge marquee that was lit up with flashing lights and changing pictures.  As I got closer, I saw this particular marquee had  a bright picture of Jesus with a piercing reminder on it.  The marquee read, "Know that I love You!"

Once again, I thanked the Lord for this reminder.  Clearly its something that He doesn't want us to forget in the middle of our busy schedules, parties,celebrations, and  our not so high moments.  It all seems too simple. We are not being asked to do a long list of things to prove our love for Him or earn His Love.   We are only  being asked to just know that He loves us.

My prayer today is that  knowing that God loves us will penetrate our hearts so that the impossible does not seem so impossible.  I'm believing that we will become so convinced of His Love for us that those things that seem so out of reach will be within our grasp.  I am praying that we would become so consumed with His thoughts toward us that the only opinion in our world that matters  is His.

I love how Jeremiah 31:3 puts it, "The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness".

Rest in His Love today!

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