I woke up at 6:30 a.m. today. The first thing I remembered was that I was supposed to be at my cycling class- obviously, that did not happen. I still put my "work out" clothes on and took Jaime for a walk.
'Something' told me not to wear shorts but I did anyway. As a thank you to myself for not listening to that little voice, I am now dealing with several lovely mosquito bites. Why didn't I listen?
Dolly is super happy that I don't have work today and that she does not have school. She said now we can spend time together. (Insert mother guilt here, the kind that reads, I wish I didn't have to work but, I have to and I enjoy what I do, but, during the quiet times I look at my watch and wonder what you are doing, and wish I could be home on the floor in your room playing, "Princess & Ponies" with your Barbies and My little Pony horses. But instead I am here working , loving other people's children, but I love you the most).
As quiet as the house is now,(because everyone is still in bed) I know soon it will be loud. And as much as I would like to Chillax the day away, my to do list is already full. I know that in the middle of all I have to do, alot of people & projects will be vying for my attention.
Thinking about all of this makes me wonder how on earth did Mrs.Brady do this? Then I realize, Alice cleaned her house, the kids really took care of themselves, Mike was an architect, which made it possible for her to stay home and not work,she had a couple older kids that were like adults, and for the most part all 6 of the kids got along well.
I know the Brady Bunch is not real. I also know the families that appear perfect are only giving an "appearance of being perfect". It still would be nice to have everything in place and resolved in the matter of a 30 minute spot like a sitcom family.
Today, I'm digging deep God's strength to do all I have to do, even when I don't feel like. I'm gonna try to remember that his help and strength is available to me because sometimes I'd rather just do things my way, myself. Knowing that I'm prone to go my own way, I'm already thanking Him that His Mercies are new every morning.
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