There was no game on last Saturday although we showed up on time in uniform. (just to find no one on the field ). And my darling Rocco did not get upset. I did learn a couple of lessons though. #1 It is possible to have at least 2 kids dressed and on the field by 8:30am. #2Read the soccer schedule more carefully.
We went back home and decided to give Sammie and Dylans tank and extreme makeover. Here are some pics. The first is of the dirty old tank.
Dirty tank pic
I'm reaching in and cleaning out the residue left after the old sand/dirt was poured out
THE FINISHED PROJECT in the Kitchen (Of course it did not stay there.. Its home is in the Play Room.
"Welcome Home Crab Family, Welcome Home!"
"Hey Mom, What's for Dinner?"
Don't you love that question? I used to dread it before planning out my meals one week in advanced. I uses a chart I found on Nothing is written in pen. So there are days when I change the menu around. The point is to have 7 options and not have the "What will I make for Dinner
Crysis (yes I did say "Cry"sis) "at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Well today I will use my crock pot for the first time in a couple of years. Of course I had to power wash it : ) . I just got a recipe for Crock Pot Beef Stew from Minus the bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce, potatoes, and celery. Boy that's half the recipe, I hope it taste like something remotely like beef stew. Later on we will make Jasmine rice and corn bread.
Why do things like this happen?
Yesterday as the guy from the grocery store loaded our bags into the car, I realized that there was a package of chicken breast hiding near Dolly's car seat so needless to say the chicken went back into the store and we got into our van and went home. Therefore let it be known that there will be no chicken for lunch or chicken soup tomorrow unless we venture back to the store and buy some. : )
Hi Ho, Hi HO, Its off to school we go.
I came across a website that I have found helpful in the
home school journey: NO MORE
Competitive schooling. Your school must be what God has called it to be for you and your children. It's great to get ideas from friends but, when you start comparing yourself to them and trying to do what they do so that your kids will be as smart if not smarter than theirs you are headed toward dangerous territory. Know why you
home school and stand firmly on those beliefs and forget about the rest.
Today is the day we will do art. Maybe A little Drama-that's an art form. We will talk about how Mary & Joseph had Jesus in a Stable and how the stable was no doubt smelly and cold. And how the hay in the feeding trough (manger) must have felt on Jesus' newborn body. And they didn't have a fleece blanket for Jesus so they had to wrap him in swaddling clothes... Pieces of cloth and place him there. Then as a project we will cut up 2 old t-shirts I set aside when decluttering my dresser drawers. And Cut them up into rectangles and wrap up our dolls and Spiderman like Mary & Joseph wrapped Jesus. We will then talk about salvation and give prayer requests. And finally put the cloths away and use them for cleaning the bathrooms-Which is Thursdays chore. Look at that! We Just covered Speech/Public Speaking, Drama, Home Ec, Scissor Safety & Bible and we didn't open one text book. Isn't Homeschooling Great?
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