Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My own convention

This picture to the left is from the state fair last year. This is how God holds me. His hand is around me to secure me and beneath me just in case I begin to feel that the rug has been pulled from underneath me. He is my foundation.
Well yesterday as I was cleaning organizing decluttering and all that good stuff. I popped in a tape by.... I don't remember her name but, I know it was from 1990. The seminar was entitled, Designing your own curriculum. Well let me tell you, it was chock full of info that I needed and some ideas that were helpful too. The day before that I was listening to a tape from Dr. Tony Evans, The Victorious Christian Life, "Victory in your Family Life"http://tonyevans.org It was as if he was in the house speaking directly to me.

So yesterday evening I felt that I should lay down and listen to the curriculum tape some more and I did. And I just rested. I really felt like the Lord was there with me. And I realized, this is my convention. I got some incredible insights to learning styles and examples of curriculum that would accommodated those learning styles, Practical teaching on heart issues in family relationships and once again I have the same feeling that I did last year, "It's okay if I do not go the convention". I felt peace. In the midst of all this I was reading some homeschool material and the Mary and Martha story came up-again. God reminded me that so many scurry around obsessed to the point of worry about what curriculum to use for next year. But one thing is needful: That we teach our babies how to sit at His feet. Curriculum is necessary but, learning how to soak in His presence is needful. This is something our children will need long after our homeschool journey ends. They need to know how to lay down at his feet, in repentance, in worship in supplication and in adoration. I need to listen closely and find out how he wants my homeschool to look, and that changes season to season. In the meantime, I'll keep my wish list and let Him guide me.

In the mean time I realized that a graduation we were invited to takes place on that Saturday as does the Indian Festival and Karate. And a graduation party on Sunday. But as I sit here at my notebook and magazine cluttered desk, I see that the conference starts on Thursday which means I could probably go on Friday. Just to shop of course. So either way if I go, great. If I don't, I'll be okay with that too. There is another conference that comes to town in August and that one is 15 minutes away-that is the one I usually go to. Nevertheless I am trying to follow peace.

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