Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Well , its been 2 months since my last blog and a lot has happened.
  • Dolly started walking March 23 and has been all over the place since then
  • Decided on curriculum for kindergarten for Rocco
  • I had another birthday on March 30
  • My dear hubby has hired a permanent servant to wash all dishes. Soon to arrive by May 24, Her name is Ms. Kenmore Elite. I can't wait to meet her.

I'm sure other eventful things have happened but, Dolly just woke up from napping and I have to feed her.

My Mothers Day Thankful List

  1. My hubby and Cookie, who was my first child who made it possible for me to be called Mom in the first place.
  2. Flowers.
  3. Second Chances.
  4. Jetted tubs.
  5. A house on the lake.
  6. Tall Decaf Cafe Mochas
  7. And a God who is not mad at me but, mad about me.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there. Every day is your Day!

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