Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Does a goat have 4 stomachs or 4 chambers? I think its 4 chambers. But anyhow, this is a lambs that has been shorn. A couple weeks ago, we had a field trip and part of it was sponsored by the 4H. You know what mesmerizes me about these animals especially sheep? Is there eyes. This little guys eye is a little hard to see but when I look in his eyes, I wonder what is he/she thinking. Is it wondering, "why do I have this orange harness on my head?" or is it wondering, "where am I and how did I get here?" "BAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BAaaaaaaaaaa".
Now that I got that out. It's time to post the summer schedule again. School will resume promptly in August. But we will have a summer of science. Planets and dinosaurs. Last year we did 3 different vacation Bible Schools, I don't know if we'll do that many this summer but, at least one. Rocco starts T-Ball right before his 5th birthday. The summer reading program at the library is always part of our summer curriculum if you want to call it that. I thought I would get a head start on Rocco's reading program and count that time toward his summer reading program goals.
SO, the hope- notice I didn't say plan is to go to the following places this summer:
  • Aquarium
  • Air & Space Museum
  • The Planetarium
  • Washington D.C.
  • Florida
  • Mexico
I hired Cookie as my office assistant. Filing, purging, and shredding, Maybe using the electrical pencil sharpener here or there. $3 a week! Is that too steep?
We have been saving TV time only for the week end on From Friday to Sunday and the rest of the week no TV. Its been going okay. Cookie really could care less because she likes reading so much. The boys periodically ask to watch during the week. Well back to cleaning up the kitchen. Tomorrow Ms Kenmore Elite will be here... I'm so excited.

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