Monday, September 1, 2008

Its that time of year again!

I am happy to say-if I haven't already that we started school in August and will ease into Language Arts this month. This school year and many to come, always remember that your school is not going to look like your friends or strangers for that matter. Your school will look like the way you design it given your children and their learning styles. Your school will reflect your values and as much or little of God as you let in. I can't help to say that in our quest to teach and make sure our children have the best curriculum there is to offer what is gonna last forever is God's Word in their hearts. It's so easy to put Academics first and let Gods word fall by the way side. Don't get me wrong academics are important. Gods Word and knowing Him is also important and shouldn't be neglected. It's not the Sunday School teachers job or the Youth Pastors job to teach Godly principles to our children. (See Deuteronomy).
I don't think we need anything elaborate to teach God's word to our children. God is so creative that if you ask Him how to demonstrate His Word and make it come alive for your children, He will give you ideas and the words to say.

My prayer is that your home school be blessed with the pursuit of the knowledge of Him. May both you and your children seek God with all your heart. May we quote scripture with the same passion that we quote our favorite lines from movies, tell our favorite jokes, and sing our favorite songs.

God wants to strengthen you as you fulfill the call of homeschooling this year. Isn't it wonderful to know that He cares about every detail regarding our homeschooling year? Isn't it awesome that He wants to bear the brunt of what you take on or let weigh on your shoulders? He told us to cast all of our cares upon Him because, He cares for us. He's not mad at us, Hes Mad about us!

Take care to cast your cares on Him this School Year! Be Blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the blessing. I sure need it and I need to place God first!! Thanks for the friendly reminder!! You have such a wonderful way with words!!!
May God bless your homeschooling year.