Monday, September 8, 2008

Its all school!

Sometimes home school is just stopping and addressing issues of the heart. Walking out all that you heard in Sunday Morning Service and trying God to see if He is real. We put the text books down. We talked, hugged, and cleaned 1 safety hazard--- I mean bedroom today. But what was learned? Dependence on God- the one who created us. Forgiveness, Compassion, Dependence on others who may have tools that we need to get a job done, cooperation,---Things that you just don't get from well meaning cartoon characters who try to convey in humanistic stories of courage void of God but filled with all of the encouragement to believe in yourself and not the one who gives you breath.

One thing I have learned is that in my weakness He is strong- His strength is made perfect just as His Word promises.

The day is over and the kids are singing worship songs, and other diddies, dancing, and playing on bongos as loud as the can. Packing popcorn is strewn all over the living room floor and hallway and I have a strong inclination to stop blogging and join in all the festivities.

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