On my way to pick up Cookie from rehearsal last night a little white car passed me on my right. In big reflector tape letters his bumper read "You Matter". What could I do except thank the Lord for reminding me that I matter and that I matter to him.
I went to my new office today- The Library and checked my email and found a little message from a friend. I had been searching for some answers and guess I found myself complaining all to often about how I feel tired of being "broken" or dealing with pain. My attitude was really based on feeling that God has been taking way to long to do what I want and need Him to do.
I clearly saw from the response that I got that once again, God sees me and has not forgotten me. He wanted to let me know the difference between pain and being broken. So whats the difference?
"Pain" I was told means, "Ouch, that hurts!" Being "broken" means, "Whatever it takes Lord, even if it's painful". I really needed to hear that.
So while the stuff of life happens and it seems to be all consuming, I'm still here- it hasn't completely consumed me or taken me out of the game. Lamentations 3:21-22 reads: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail". Thank God that we are never forgotten and that he has an enormous amount of love & mercy. Be Blessed.
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