Saturday, December 12, 2009

a good decision

Another hairy week in the land of motherhood. Given that yesterday was another one of those days for a myriad of reasons to numerous to list, I decided to make myself feel better by opening a Christmas gift. After I opened it I realized, this is the reason why people hide things and usually don't put goodies under the tree until Christmas Eve. Opening the gift did not make me feel better. It just caused me to have several light bulb moments, one of them being that I need to get cracking and start wrapping my kids gifts.

Amidst this weeks mayhem, I received a Christmas Card from a friend with a terminal illness. Her children were so precious in it. It made me cry. I realized how fragile life is and with each breath, whether we are in health or not, we are moving closer to eternity. It made me think about how important it is to keep growing and going, in spite of. It reminded me to move far away from everything toxic vying for my attention. It reminded me how sad it is to hold grudges. (Which is another post in itself). It caused me to remember family members who have not been a priority in my life for one reason or another. It made me think about how wonderful my children are despite meltdowns-theirs and mine. It made me concluded that my only new years resolution needs to be is not to waste the time I have been given.

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