Saturday, May 30, 2009

More than Money

A dear homeschooling friend has been teaching Cookie French in her home since September. This has been a blessing to me & Cookie since she enjoys French sooo much. I have been searching for ways to "pay her" for teaching but she wouldn't accept money from me the entire school year. She had a yard sale last month and was selling tons of fabric. She showed me a piece of toile that she wanted curtains made out of for her bathroom- so of course I jumped right on it. It took me a couple days and voile! 1 pair of curtains made with love, with out a pattern, by my hands. I was so excited to give them to her and hang them for her that I probably could have been committed to the nearest psych ward. It still makes me smile when I see my "french tuition payment creation" hanging from her window. (although the window they are hanging from in the picture is in my playroom- I had to hang them in my house first to make sure they would look good in hers). It was like Christmas for the both of us.

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