Monday, November 24, 2008

25 Things I am thankful for

I am forever taking pictures of animals. This one I took about a year ago at a museum that has a little animal sanctuary/zoo/habitat thing going on on its property. Unfortunately this was as much as my camera would allow me to zoom in. I'm old school and I am about to revert to my slr camera that is not digital and just get the pics saved to disc when I develop them. My slr just captures my subjects with more clarity and superiority. Yet I do like the convenience of the digital cam.
Now that I have gotten all of that off my chest allow me to run down my thankful list.

Things I am thankful for:

  1. My house ; Its true, there is no place like home.
  2. My family that fills my minivan and my heart
  3. My minivan; it gets me from point A to B
  4. butterflies & moths
  5. my extended family
  6. friends near and far
  7. the smell of baby powder
  8. chalk
  9. the lake
  10. hugs from little people who should be in bed already
  11. a safe place to worship
  12. the gift of hearing
  13. the ability to discern if the cry I hear is for attention or if someone is really hurt
  14. A merciful God who gives second chances
  15. the convenience of modern appliances
  16. the ability to walk
  17. the gift of sight
  18. seeing crumbs under the kitchen table that reminds me that I have been blessed with 4 awesome kids who share with the floor.
  19. Lemonade- the most natural, corn syrup, high fructose, and dye free drink that I love in the summer time.
  20. Green grass
  21. books to read
  22. A Savior who loves me just the way I am
  23. watercolors
  24. play dough
  25. Artificial Christmas Trees; I can put it up and take it down when I want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful 25 things to be thankful for!!! I wish I had thought of some of them!! I will be using some for our thankful tree!!!
I especially love #10 Hugs from little people who should be in bed already!!! How funny that kids think (well, really they can) get away with it with some hugs and kisses!!! I so miss that time!!!
Love all the ones about our savior and I like #25 artificial tree that you can take down!!!
Great list!!!!