Monday, August 25, 2008

Counting my blessings.

Things I am grateful for:

  1. The gift of eye sight
  2. The ability to walk
  3. Family
  4. Home School
  5. Cookie Dough Icecream
  6. Cotton shirts
  7. Sunflowers
  8. My Bread Machine
  9. Freedom of religion
  10. The New York Bus, aka my minivan
  11. A place to call home
  12. Paper
  13. Sticky fingers to clean
  14. The gift of hearing
  15. The ability to talk
  16. The ability to read
  17. Yard Sales
  18. Clean drinking water
  19. Friends
  20. Butterflies
  21. The Beach
  22. Fine tip pens
  23. Literature
  24. Our hammock
  25. Music

It's so easy to think that we need more to make us happy when we are often surrounded by everything we need and extras that make us smile. What are you grateful for today?

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