Thursday, January 10, 2008

You do what ya gotta do.

Yesterday was a morning filled with errands. First stop was the UPS store-mailed 2 packages. Then to Home Depot to get a toilet repair kit (fixed handle today), then to post office to pick up certified mail, then to mall to order contacts. And of course some well meaning person said the famous line "You have your hands full". So I did what any proud mother of 4 beautiful children would do held my head high, ignored her and proceeded to the line at the post office. Do people really think that if you have more than one child its because you just happened upon it? Although some may, this chick didn't. Is telling someone that they have their hands full suppose to make them feel some unrelenting feeling of overwhelming stress and regret of having children in the first place shake? Or is a compliment? Perhaps the next time I hear it I'll smile and say "Thank you". If I had one child, I would have ran the same errands. But, I have four. Nothing in me says leave them in the car or leave them at home (Both could be hazardous at this age) When you have children, You do what ya gotta do. Sometimes it may take longer but, so what? You do it. You're the mom. Kudos, to all the mothers out there that have managed to stay at home, Educate their children and run errands all before the sun goes down. Kudos to those that save it for another day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...girl, four kids - you got your hands full. :)