Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Oh Give Me a Break!
And why all the hoop la about protecting our children from watching stuff they shouldn't at the local theatre. Isn't this our job, aren't we suppose to be vigilant caretakers of their souls? But yet we allow them to read books and listen to music that no more glorifies God than a hole in the wall all in the name of innocence and education. I say we get real. And clean house from the parents choice of media to our children. When was the last time we purchased a film or watched a film that pointed straight to the Throne? Why not try your local Christian bookstore's film section or Or does our allegiance lie with Pay Per View? Am I against TV and Movies ? NO. I take my chickadees out once and a while to see a Rated G movie. We even use it in Home school. What I am against is belly aching and thinking our responsibility begins and ends with a petition/and or boycott. Go out and support Christian Films. Attend a play/performance by an up and coming Christian Playwright. How about Purchase Christian Films for your library and for heaven's sake make sure your local church gets a larger offering than you give your cable company.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I broke the perfect Mommy Rules! Twice!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Rain, Rain, go Away
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Life Happens
Monday, October 8, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Part of organizing my home includes a chore chart that breaks the chores down by days. Each day I also throw in a load of laundry-which reminds me there is a load still wet in the washer. : (
Today's chore was vacuuming and we accomplished mostly all of it except for my room and the girls room. The kids got a kick out of sucking up the cobwebs and spiders with the vacuum cleaner. Then it turned into, "Suck my hand up", "Suck my arm up", "Do that again!" Yes, I did put the vacuum cleaner on their arms and hands so they could feel the suction. Before I knew it it was almost lunch time.
- Monday - Vacuum & Iron-which I almost never iron
- Tuesday- Dust
- Wednesday- Mop Floors
- Thursday-Change Linens, Clean Baths
- Friday-Clean Car, Yard/Garden,Dust if needed, Vacuum again if needed
Friday, October 5, 2007
All in a days work
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Below I'm reaching in and cleaning out the residue left after the old sand/dirt was poured out
Today is the day we will do art. Maybe A little Drama-that's an art form. We will talk about how Mary & Joseph had Jesus in a Stable and how the stable was no doubt smelly and cold. And how the hay in the feeding trough (manger) must have felt on Jesus' newborn body. And they didn't have a fleece blanket for Jesus so they had to wrap him in swaddling clothes... Pieces of cloth and place him there. Then as a project we will cut up 2 old t-shirts I set aside when decluttering my dresser drawers. And Cut them up into rectangles and wrap up our dolls and Spiderman like Mary & Joseph wrapped Jesus. We will then talk about salvation and give prayer requests. And finally put the cloths away and use them for cleaning the bathrooms-Which is Thursdays chore. Look at that! We Just covered Speech/Public Speaking, Drama, Home Ec, Scissor Safety & Bible and we didn't open one text book. Isn't Homeschooling Great?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
This post has been in the making for quite some time so here goes:
Its very late and I'm past tired and I expect to hear the pitter patter of little feet in about 6 hours. so this will be short and sweet.
This evening I realized that no ones life is perfect. You might say "Duh, of course not". But often we thing that the grass is greener on the other side. We think that the 10 minute blurb of life we see as we observe people in public is the essence of their relationship. We may know people or have mentors we look up to and wish to emulate but they too have flaws, all of us do. The flaws in others that bother us the most make us want to cry out, "Why don't you change?"
The truth of the matter is that we can read all the self centered or God centered self help books we want, attend millions of seminars and retreats, but the only thing that will prove true to lasting change is applying Gods word to your life. And to your relationships. The Bible says-believe it or not, that "Whatsoever a man believes in his heart, so is he". So if you think you are not smart, then you are not smart. If you think you ill thoughts about people, especially those we claim to love, then we will reap the benefits of those ill words.
It's so easy to become bitter over the inactions of others that we think effect/infect our lives.
The problem with reconciliation is that first, we don't realize it can be a process and secondly, we always want the other person to change first (which reflects spiritually immaturity in our hearts). We say and hear it said, "If he/she changes, then I'll change" Or "If he/she says sorry, then I will" . Do we not get tired of the emotional turmoil and strength the reconciliation war taxes on us? Is there a point in our lives when we stop pointing the finger and making excuses and free ourselves by taking that first step?
The best thing you can do to change another person is to change yourself. And trust with all your heart that God will be faithful to his Word. But it's hard to believe even that if we don't know what his Word says.