Today I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to be a mother. It is one of the most if not the most powerful thing a woman can do. How incredible it has been to have been given an open door to partner with God to create a living being with a soul. Being pregnant is the only time in our lives that we will carry another
person's soul inside of our bodies right under our hearts. Frankly, that blows me away.
How amazing to have been able to nurture a living being with in my body from the time of conception to the time they entered into this world.
Being a mother has opened my eyes to how very patient and how very tender the Lord is toward me. Being a mother has shown me that I am far from perfect but, I can rest in the fact that God is perfect. And He will iron out the wrinkles in my parenting and His love for my children is far reaching, especially when I do not know what to do.
No matter what emotions this Mother's Day evokes for you, whether happy or sad, one thing is certain, there is a Father who understands your heart and longs to hold you in His arms.